MHP released 2014 operational report

2015-02-03 17:33:35

According to data, provided by the company, its main segment (chicken) sales grew by 18% over the past year. Price growth practically matched inflation rate and reached 25% at UAH 19.99. Export sales in total sales reached 26.8% at 140 920 tons. Company is aiming to expand its export markets in Asia, Middle East and Africa. Exports to EU region reached 12% from total exports due to 0% import tax implemented in 2014.

Sunflower oil sales grew by 23% to 296 150 tons over 2014, while price dropped to USD 835 per ton by 19% over the same period. Export sales grew by 23% over the past year compared to the previous year. Company presented the following crop data:





Production, tons

Planted, ha

Production, tons

Planted, ha


1 180 605

126 840

1 134 000

129 100


261 025

43 020

228 100

42 460


167 030

49 550

133 530

38 290


39 570

10 495

60 265

18 690


53 870

25 460

37 100

16 860


324 890

34 840

391 175

41 600


2 026 990

290 000

1 984 170

287 000

Data presented indicates increased production of corn, wheat, sunflower and soybeans. At the same time, planted areas for corn were lower, despite production growth. Rapeseed crop, as well as other crops categories indicated decline. MHP indicates significant improvement of yield per hectare for corn, wheat and rapeseed, while sunflower and soybean yields were slightly lower than 2013 levels. Yields overall were significantly higher than average yield level in Ukraine.

Despite overall positive operational results for 2014, stock market reacted with 4.3% stock price decline to USD 9.12 per share on Monday, February 2, 2015.

UkrAgroConsult issues quarterly report “Agrarian Business in Ukraine”. Report covers quarterly operating and financial results of Public Ukrainian Agrarian companies. January Q1 2015 issue will include summary of 2014 results, as well as our forecast for 2015. You can subscribe to the report to receive it on a quarterly basis.


